Friday, October 26, 2012

Topic of Interest - Bad Kissing

Hello again,

I have made out with several people in my dating life, and I would say only a select few hold the title of "good kisser." Now you can always train someone to be a decent kisser and with time the kisses become those amazing take your breath away ones that leave you gasping for more, but lets be real that takes time and investment so select wisely. Now to get into Bad Kisser 101. First you have whats know as the "Slobber Monster," where it seems like they have a never ending supply of salivia and after a few seconds you have to firmly push them away, wipe the spit off of your chin, and tell them that it's just not going to work out. Next you have the "Dive In" kissers as I like to call them. From the start they try to insert their whole tongue into your mouth, while I am not opposed to french kissing please do not try to stick your tongue down my throat on your first attempt it is just very unpleasant to say the least. Lastly you have the "I don't know how to kiss so I am just going to barely touch your lips with mine and then pull away and act cool" kisser. I know very long name but I feel that any other would not get the full description.

So in regards to kissing practice makes perfect.

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