Friday, October 26, 2012

Topic of Interest - Bad Kissing

Hello again,

I have made out with several people in my dating life, and I would say only a select few hold the title of "good kisser." Now you can always train someone to be a decent kisser and with time the kisses become those amazing take your breath away ones that leave you gasping for more, but lets be real that takes time and investment so select wisely. Now to get into Bad Kisser 101. First you have whats know as the "Slobber Monster," where it seems like they have a never ending supply of salivia and after a few seconds you have to firmly push them away, wipe the spit off of your chin, and tell them that it's just not going to work out. Next you have the "Dive In" kissers as I like to call them. From the start they try to insert their whole tongue into your mouth, while I am not opposed to french kissing please do not try to stick your tongue down my throat on your first attempt it is just very unpleasant to say the least. Lastly you have the "I don't know how to kiss so I am just going to barely touch your lips with mine and then pull away and act cool" kisser. I know very long name but I feel that any other would not get the full description.

So in regards to kissing practice makes perfect.

Topic of Interest - PDA

Hey again,

PDA (Public Display of Affection) I dunno about you other singles out there, but when I see a couple holding hands with little smiles on their faces I kinda wanna vomit. Then there is the whole issue of if your gay and holding hands with your significant other on Texas A&M Campus you will get several rather violent stares. While I have not attempted to test this hypothesis myself, because I might be too scared to try, I still think it stands. It seems rather unfair that the straights of the world get to flaunt their love while we gays get to hide in the shadows. Alas if you live in College Station like me, most gays would prefer to live in the shadows. Well except for those overly flamboyant ones who are just very intense anyway.

Oh and I've decided I need some kind of ending to my posts. For instance on Gossip Girl she always ends her posts, "XOXO Gossip Girl." But that is so good, how can I beat that? Ideas LOL?

Next topic I'm thinking is Bad Kissing!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Topic of Interest - Dating Sites

Hello all,

I've decided a fun way to begin this blog would be the interesting topic of online dating. Now for most gays I would say 60% of dating begins on an online dating website. Here are several that I know of: adam4adam, okcupid, manhunt, craigslist and I'm sure there are many more. Lets pick out the good and the bad of each just for shits and giggles. So a4a is basically a site to go if you want to have sex, that is basically what it is all boils down to, so if you are looking for sex go there. Next okcupid, now this site is for actual dating but you occasionally get the guy who is just looking for sex. Manhunt, while not as popular as a4a it is definitely just into the hookup scene as well. Last but not least we have c-list this is an interesting site because this is where you get the closet gays and also a lot of creepers. Though while reading the posts are half of the fun. Replying to them is even funner! Feel free to comment! I'm thinking my next topic will be PDA!

The beginning of something wonderful...

So while sitting bored at work today I was perusing the internet and found this blog starter. Well I have always thought it would be awesome to start a blog of my own. This idea may or may not have been put in my head by watching the hit show, “Gossip Girl.” Yes I know how very gay of me lol, but I love it so meh.